I'm REALLY Bad at Posting... (how to build your community)

I’m really bad at posting…

The No. 1 rule to build a community is to be consistent in your posts and offer products to the audience and it’s like THE thing I’m the worst at. But don’t go away yet, there’s a reason I’m writing this today. I want to talk about what’s building around me right now.

Last year has been a pretty still year for me and I didn’t feel very motivated to post and be consistent. I chose to take most of my time and create new music and build my sound. As soon as 2022 hit, it’s like a whole realm of ideas flew into my mind. So I then chose to press pause on music and revisit who I was as a Music Producer but as my own self too. I released THE MIND. A totally new genre for me. I LOVED making Trance. I then understood, actually, I remembered, I started making music because I love creating stuff. I shouldn’t make music of a certain genre just because it’s what I’ve always done. I should make the music I want to hear. Then I ran into my second revelation. If I’m really bad at posting constantly, I need to be pushed. I thought about YouTube but got discouraged with all the time it can take to edit a video. While watching a YouTube Tutorial, I noticed the setup of the creator and decided to investigate an idea. I knew I already had the cameras but, I didn’t know how to share my screen to the recording device. So I made the research and got what I needed to be able to record everything. Then came the third idea. If I’m going to be making music, why not create it LIVE on TWITCH. I thought about it and I would edit those videos to create the YouTube videos and Instagram posts.

Now, once a week, I’m hosting a Make Music with Mike.A every Friday and currently experimenting with a second day for more conversation topics and various learning subjects such as Cooking, Sound Design or to finish projects started on the Friday stream.

After thinking about all of this, I thought I had to create a way to create my community but, I had no idea how nor where. This is when I saw an Instagram post to join a DISCORD community. I looked around and figured that it could be a good possibility to grow my community. After about a month of planning and building the server, I launched the MIKE.A COMMUNITY, UNITED. A space where Music Producers, DJs, and all types of people in the music industry can connect and share their experiences and help each other grow.

Within only a month of 2022 I had planned my whole year, and opened a up a whole realm of possibilities to build my community and to be consistent with posting and to help as many people as I can.


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